April 6, 2011

A Thank you cake

Hate saying goodbye so I choose to say thank you instead :) Today I had my last lecture with a very small but very nice group of 4 students. We had so much fun together, at least I hope they also had fun and that they learned. 
Last week I tried a lovely sour cream pound cake recipe. Even though I searched for a new inspiration this week, I turned to the one I already tried in the end. To make it new, I went for blueberries and lemon this time. My lovely mum picked some most wonderful blueberries last summer for me. Just look at the size of those! No wonder I'm always having a hard time deciding how to use them. I usually take a spoonful or two with a bowl of yoghurt or oatmeal in the morning but that's about it. I tend not to "waste" them to baking but today they were totally worth the "waste"! Who wouldn't like a moist, lemony cake with the precious blueberries? I think I can tell that the cake was appreciated! :)

Blueberry&lemon sour cream pound cake

100 g butter softened
1 cup caster sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs
2 dl sour cream
zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
about 1 1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen) + 1 tablespoon plain flour

1. Store the eggs, sour cream and butter at the room temperature for about 30 minutes before you start.
2. Set oven to 175 degrees. Grease and flour a high rectangular cake mold.
3. You can soften the butter a little by using a microwave oven.
4. Beat the butter and add sugar, beat again until fluffy and smooth.
5. Beat in eggs, one by one. Mix in the zest and juice of 1 lemon.
6. Mix in the mixture of flour, baking soda and baking powder alternately with the sour cream.
7. Put the frozen or fresh blueberries in a bowl together with the tablespoon of flour. Toss the bowl so that the blueberries are evenly floured. This procedure is to prevent the fruit from sinking to the bottom of the cake.
8. Gently mix the blueberries into the dough. Transfer into the cake mold and bake for about 45-50 minutes.

I wish I had baked the cake a little bit longer, but I was in a hurry and when the cake was just done, it had to get out from the oven..Next time it'll be just perfect! :)


  1. Evinka,nadhera po kazdej stranke:))kraasne fotecky,a kolacik mi je podla zlozenia tiez velmo lubivy:)ja milujem v cestickach kyslu smotanu,tiez som predvcerom piekla jeden kolacik s nou,a podla mna dodava kolacikom uzasnu vlacnost,a jemnu kyselkavost,no,proste mnaaaam:)!!!a este musim dodat,ze si krasne napisala tu prvu vetu,budem na nu pamatat,a brat si z nej priklad:)

  2. Jej Mati, dakujem, si zlaticko! Ja som prave chcela ist zmenit tu prvu vetu lebo ma napadlo, ze zacinat cely prispevok slovkom "hate" je blbe :)) ale necham to uz tak :) mas pravdu, kysla smotana v kolaciku je uzasna, ja som doteraz pouzivala bud jogurt do takychto kolacov, ale najcastejsie mlieko, a rozdiel je to naozaj velky..krasny den Matka!

  3. čučoriedky nemám, ale mám červené ríbezle ešte od leta od mamičky : ) takže tento koláčik rozhodne zaraďujem do poradovníka pomerne vysoko. Veľmi sa mi ľúbia tvoje receptíky

  4. Ivanka, dakujem! tak sa tesim, ze ta tu vidim! recept na sour cream pound cake som objavila len nedavno a tiez u mna vyletel dost vysoko, tak ho skusam na rozne sposoby, este nejaky musim vymysliet na buduci tyzden, chcem pohostit aj druhu skupinku studentov a kolegovcov..to je radost piect, ked to ma to spapat .))

  5. Evička tento koláčik je taký skvelý a od teba je to také zlaté, že si ho pre nich upiekla, že minimálne polka tvojich študentov musí byť do teba zamilovaná:) Čučoriedky sú bezkonkurenčne naše najobľúbenejšie ovocie, a najmä čerstvé, takže keď príde ich čas, dúfam, že si rýchlo spomeniem na tento koláčik...

  6. :)) Evinka ty si mila, dakujem! ach veru cucoriedky, uz len to slovo milujem, a samotne ovocicko veru nemam konkurenciu :) kazde leto si vravim, ze si ich nazbieram strasne vela aby som mala do zasoby na cely rok, ale vzdy mi je tych fialovych potvoriek akosi malo..:)

  7. Evička si mi také chute narobila, škoda že nie som tvojim študentom:( milujem čočoriedky a už teraz sa teším na ich sezónu:)

  8. Aj ja ich milujem Andrejka, dokonca az tak, ze mi robi problem sa rozhodnut, pri akej prilezitosti ich pouzijem :)) ale uz nam svita na lepsie casy, zachvilku je tu letoooo a cuckyyyy :)))

  9. Evicka kolacik je nepochybne vyborny a tie nadherne fotecky... Patri ti moj velky potlesk (skoda, ze nemas ikonky ako na MMB:) )Papa Ada

  10. Adrianka dakujem ti, si zlaticko! kolacik je jednoduchy no bol vybornucky :)) a veru, ikonky mmb su nenahraditelne, tiez mi tu moc chybaju..papa

  11. ...juj krásne vyzerá a určite ešte lepšie chutnal ...

  12. Gabi, dakujem, kolacik bol chutny, v lete si ho isto zopakujem s cerstvym ovocim..:) papa
