Passion fruit, also known as Granadilla or Maracujá, depending on country of its origin, gives such a wonderful touch to desserts and drinks! As many of the exotic fruit kinds, passion fruit at the Swedish food stores is always available, unfortunately, quality of the fruit that has crossed oceans before it got here, varies. I was lucky and got some really wonderful passion fruits - in size of a small lemon, full of juice and flavor.
Now that my "dessert period" is at its end (I make and believe this statement regularly - every Monday :)) I want to share a recipe on passion fruit pie. Once again, I found it amusing to experiment and didn't follow any recipe which means that there are things that you can make better in case you'll find it interesting enough to test and try. It is a no-bake dessert, well, if we don't consider the digestive crust visiting oven for 10 minutes.
Passion fruit pie
for the crust:
digestives (I used approx. 2 digestives per portion, made 5 portions)
butter, melted (40-50 g for about 10 digestives)
1 tsp ginger (optional)
for the filling:
1 can coconut milk (400 ml) or a coconut cream (I reduced the watery part of the coconut milk to a half which turned out as a smart move)
4 gelatine sheets (I used Dr. Oetker gelatine sheets that recommend using 3 sheets per 2 dl fluid)
3 Tbsp sugar
3 small or 2 big passion fruits
heavy cream (36% fat) to serve with and 1 passion fruit for decorating
1. Crush the digestives - the best way to do this is to use a food processor. Mix the crushed digestives with melted butter (and ginger). Press the mixture into the pie pan or individual pie molds. Bake at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Cool down completely.
2. Place the gelatine sheets in a bowl with cold water for 5 - 10 minutes.
3. For the filling, put the coconut milk (reduce the water first) in a pan. Add sugar and the spoon out the passion fruits. Heat up until it almost boils. Remove from the heat. Squeeze out water from the gelatine sheets and dissolve them one by one in the warm mixture. Let cool for a while and pour on the prepared crust. Place in the fridge over night or for at least 4 hours.
4. Serve with a table spoon of cream and some more passion fruit.
To make it better: Sieve the coconut-passion fruit mixture before using it to get a rid of the fruit seeds. You can add some lime zest to the mixture as well. I added lime juice but it made the mixture a little too watery.
waw waw waw!!! tak toto musi byt jedna basen! esteze prave do seba tiez tlacim kolac, lebo inak by som si oslintala klavesnicu:-DDD
ReplyDeleteEvulik,tak toto je ina delikateska:))ved to by som sa citila ako v raji,keby si mi nieco taketo pred nos polozila:)))a sranda je,ze aj ja sa uz vyse tyzdna chystam na jednu kokosovo mlieckovu dobrotku,takze sme si opat chutovo ulahodili:)
ReplyDeleteNádhera Evka, pokochám sa aspoň obrázkom:) na mučenku som zatiaľ u nás nenaďabila:( asi chodím po nesprávnych obchodoch:)
ReplyDeleteAnetka, dakujem, ze basen :))) ja som dnes bez sladkeho, takze aj sebe samej som si narobila strasne chutky! :))
ReplyDeleteNo ja asi odpadnem! Toto je skvely receptik!!!! A vyzera to uuuuuuzasne!!!!
ReplyDeleteMatka, sranda je, ze tento kolacik vznikol uplnou nahodou, v podstate za pochodu.. povodne som chcela spravit len "panna cottu" z kokosoveho mlieka a na vrch duzinu z toho uzasneho passion ovocia. myslim, ze kolacik by ti chutovo sadol, na exoticke ovocie aj kokosove mliecko mas tak trosku slabost, ze?? :))
ReplyDeleteAjka, nevedela som, ze sa to po nasom vola mucenka, supeeer slovo! :) A som potesena, ze sa ti paci..ja som na mucenku mala akurat teraz stastie, inak to exoticke ovocie je vzdy tak trochu loteria.
ReplyDeleteMariannka, velka vdaka. si mila. nic narocne, a velmi vdacne. len ako som uz napisala aj do prispevku, urcite nabuduce prelejem plnku cez sitko, lebo dezertik bol sice chutny, ale dost prudko skripal pod zubami :))
ReplyDeleteEvička, nadherny dezert, slinky sa mu nazbierali, pretoze passion fruit milujem! Len pozor, passion fruit nie je to iste co maracuja a grenadila. Vsetky tri sice patria do skupiny mučenkovitych, su si velmi podobne, ale nie je to to iste, kazde z vyssie menovanych vyzera a chuti trosku inak, ale passion vyhrava, je najaromatickejsi aj najchutnejsi.
ReplyDeleteDik Adushka, aj za uvednie na pravu mieru v nazvoch. Ja som si vygooglila napriklad, ze passion fruit sa nazyva aj purple granadilla, ale asi to nebol uplne najdoveryhodnejsi zdroj? Ak Maracuya je zlta verzia ovocia, je to teda omyl nazyvat passion fruit maracuyou? Som z toho jelen, ale to nastastie nic nemeni na fakte, ze je to top ovocie - aspon co sa intezity chuti tyka :))
ReplyDeleteToto stoji za vyskusanie Evi :) Super receptik :)
ReplyDeleteevka, ono je to velmi zamotane. hospodarky najdolezitejsia je maracuja, cize mucenka zlta a podla nej sa volaju vsetky druhy v juznej amerike hovorovo maracuja. Passion fruit je zasa mučenka purpurová. Grenadila je zasa mucenka pruhovana alebo svorhranna (podla druhu). Ale na celom svete je misung v pomenovavani, takze asi to je jedno, ci to nazves maracujou alebo mucenkou. Ja by som asi ostala pri mučenke. A pokojne aj pri passionfruti. aj sa rastliny tejto skupiny vola passiflora, tak logicky aj vsetky plody by mali byt passion ;)
ReplyDeleteoprava - latinsky sa vsetky tieto rastliny volaju passiflora, takze logicky by aj vsetky plody mali byt passi - passion ;)
ReplyDeleteVdaka Lubka! tesi ma, ak som ta inspirovala..:)
ReplyDeleteAdush, ja som doteraz nepoznala vyraz "mucenka", takze som rada, ze som obohatila svoj rodny jazyk o jedno nove slovicko! :)) Vdaka za poznatky o mucenke, obdivujem, ako sa v tom s prehladom orientujes. Netusila som, ze je to az take zamotane v tych pomenovaniach, ved naco si veci ulahcit, ked sa da aj inak? :))
ReplyDeleteEvulík, úchvatný dezertík čo do ingrediencií tak i do výzoru - no mňam!!!! Kokos a exotické ovocíčko musia spolu chutiť blažene. joj, len keby u nás mali v takom dobrom stave toto exotické ovocie. Minule som si kúpila figy a bola to chuťová katastrofa:((( U vás sú tieto ovocíčka chuťovo dobré?
ReplyDeleteAhoj Evi. Tento dezertik bol moc mnam, ale este stale si pri nom vybavujem to skripanie passion fruit semienok pod zubami :)) jaj, exoticke ovocie, to je ako kedy...niekedy je pekne a chutne a aj za dobru cenu a inokedy drahe jak slak alebo uplne hrozne uz na prvy pohlad. treba mat trosku stastia..