May 24, 2011

Not just an ordinary muffin (cake)

Hello everyone! I thought I'd take a break from baking, but...Our holiday might be cancelled because of the vulcanic activity, which would just be typical. It's just wait and see how that goes this time. While sitting and working (not so) hard on my final exams, I thought, I might easily find some inner peace and bake! The only problem is that I haven't kept ordinary flour for baking purposes at home for a while. I thought it would help me resist my baking temptations. So wrong I was! Amazing how our creativity works when you give it a little push. I remembered that I had some wholegrain spelt flour left from the times when I was living a happy flour- and sugarless life :) I also remebered my mum's favorite cake recipe. I do realize this probably is not a "wow" kind of thing but if you are interested in a healthier way of baking, you must definitely try this recipe! The cake (or muffins) is soft, spongy, absolutely wonderful and the good news is that there's no bad news :)

Wholegrain spelt muffins with lemon yogurt icing

You need:
4 small eggs (or 3 big ones)
6 TBsp granulated sugar (or 3 TBsp granulated+3TBsp light brown muscovado sugar)
1 dl olive oil
2 TBsp cocoa powder
6 TBsp wholegrain spelt flour
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder

for the "icing":
greek yogurt + lemon curd + cinnamon = absolutely lovely!!!

1. Beat eggs and sugar. 2. Stir in olive oil, cocoa powder and cinnamon. 3. Stir in flour and baking powder. 4. Bake at 200 degrees for the first 5 minutes then turn down to 180 and bake for 10-15 minutes.
You can make muffins as I did or a cake, it's up to your preference. If you are using a baking mold, grease and flour the mold first. 
As for the icing, I've been using a greek yourt instead of everything lately and can't get enough of it :) You can make your own favorite icing, but I recommend this light, lemony one with the cinnamon spice. I promise you'll love it!


  1. Evulik ... tak a môžeš mi prosím poslať ku kávičke ... už som napísala, dávno som nepiekla muffky ...

  2. Gabi, muffinka uz aj leti, len nech ju niekde v tom vzdusnom priestore niekto neuchmatne :))

  3. Evka už druhý deň tu nachádzam super receptík na mufinky, včera baklava mufinky dnes tieto celozrnné. Tá svieža poleva....áááách:)
    ...aj som vyzerala či mufinka nepoletí okolo že si z nej odhryznem, ale asi už preletela:)))

  4. Vidim,ze muffinova mania pretrvava aj u teba Evi ;o)))

  5. Andrejka, ved aj mna "nastartovali" tie Mariannkine muffiny, aj ked som sa tvarila, ze odolam pokuseniu, neodolala som a z tych surovin co som mala doma som teda upiekla aspon nejake :)) aj ked tie baklavove ma nelakaju o nic menej ako predtym :)

  6. Mariannka, bojim sa, ze nielen pretrvava, ale ze sa este ani poriadne nezacala :))) asi mi neuveris, ale bud sa mi o tvojich vcerajsich muffinach snivalo alebo im patrila moja prva myslienka po prebudeni - neviem, ale jedno z toho urcite! :)) to mam zato, ze som sa snazila si sladkosti a kolaciky odopierat a potom to dopadne tak, ze sa mi o nich aj sniva :D

  7. také pokušenie v tejto nočnej hodine evi. super muffiny :) a poleva je dokonala :)

  8. Lubi, vdaka! grecky jogurt s lemon curd je vynikajuca kombinacia, odporucam :)

  9. Evulik,konecne sa mi podarilo okomentovat tvoje muffinky,ktore uz tolko obkukavam:)ale zial,nedalo sa mi prihlasit,jedine anonymne,a u teba zial chyba taka kolonka,musis doplnit:)no,ale k veci..muffinky s tou lahodnou polevou vyzeraju tak uuzasne,ze by som veru mala velky problem udrzat sa na uzde..cim dalej,tym mi to ide tazsie,a mam velke obavy ako ta moja dieta dopadne...krasny vecer prajem,a verim,ze vas let uz ohrozeny nie je,a dovolenka sa vydari:)

  10. Matka, dakujem za komentarik. nevedela som, ze bol problem s prihlasovanim, mrzi ma to, ale uz je to v poriadku, dufajme, ze na dlhsiu dobu..nieco vymyslim s tym anonymnym prihlasovanim, respektive to na niekoho delegujem :) Mati, takato muffinka by tvojej dietke urcite neublizila, ked si odmyslime cukor, su tam len zdrave potraviny a skorica zase urychluje spalovanie takze clovek (nie ja) z takychto muffiniek snad aj schudne :) ale zarty bokom Mati, drzim palcek, no neprehanaj to, uzivaj si leto plnymi duskami..papa

  11. Evulik,dakujem za podporu:)ale u mna prehananie zial nehrozi..a pritom by som to tak rada prehanala s dietou:))))a co sa toho pridania anonymneho komentara,to je velmo jednoduche..pojdes do nastaveni,potom do poznamok,a tam si zvolis moznost,ze mozu komentovat aj anonymny citatelia..teda samozrejme,iba ak to chces:)

  12. dakujem Matulik za tip, pozriem sa na to :)

  13. Evulka, slinky mi tecu z tvojich muffiniek. A ta poleva, tak to s tebou uplne suhlasim :absolutely lovely!!!

  14. Adka zlata dakujem Ti :) polevu musis niekedy vyskusat a ak sa ti prave nebude chciet piect ine dobrotky tak aj muffinky, su velmi rychle :)
