May 29, 2011

Cookies that bring you up

Bad weather, neverending hours at the computer with my essay, tired and restless. So it was before I decided to go for cookies. Cinammon and ginger always bring me up :) And the recipe is a quickie!
I wish I could say that they are "chewy" too, but I'm not gonna lie to you. They are semi-soft, maybe a little chewy just after you take them out of the oven. I've been actually hunting for a recipe for chewy chocolate chip cookies, I tried two so far and I was disappointed. I thought that making a good batch of cookies must be a piece of cake! I don't know what went wrong but my last two cookie batches were no good. This one turned out just nice, I promise! The lovely spice mix of cinammon, ginger and cardamom is probably nothing you are longing for when it's summer, but here, where I am it's only 7 degrees and raining..The taste of these cookies reminded me strongly of Christmas :)

Cinammon&ginger cookies for good mood :)

You'll need:

75 g butter 
1/3 cup packed light brown muscovado sugar 
1/3 cup golden syrup
1 tsp ginger
0,5 tsp cardamom
2 tsp cinammon
1,5 cup self raising flour


1. Set the oven to 200 degrees.
2. Melt the butter together with the sugar and the golden syrup on low heat.
3. Let the sugar dissolve in butter, stir in the spices and remove from heat.
4. Cool down. Stir in flour.
5. Roll balls out of the dough and place them on a baking sheet leaving a few centimeters between. Use a fork to flatten the cookie balls.
6. Bake for 8-10 minutes. And done!


  1. Evinka,tak teba popadli taketo vianocne chute?no,ani sa ti necudujem,take pocasie si hrejive vonave korenicka doslova pyta:)cookiesky vyzeraju velmo chutne,no a fotecky su tiez moooooooc laaaaaaakaveeee♥

  2. Matusik, hej, to vies, uz som nevedela ako sa mam nabudit :) a je tu naozaj take predvianocne pocasie :D snad nepridu Vianoce skor ako leto! a dakujem moc Matusik!

  3. Evi, tak tieto kolaciky su urcite vyborne, vonave! Uz davnjsie som si hovorila, ze si musim take koreniky kupit. A tento tvoj recept je idealne prilezitost. Mnaaaam

  4. Lucka dakujem, povodne mali byt len skoricove, ale kedze lubim aj zazvor a kardamon, supla som ich tam tiez :) su chutne, ale hodia sa viac na obdobie Vianoc :) ak chces vyskusat tieto koreninky do pecenia, silno odporucam recept na rebarborovy kolacik, kde sa rebarbora marinuje v tychto koreninach a vysledok je uuzasnyy :)

  5. Krasne cookies, skvela kombinacia chuti, mnam ;o)

  6. thanks Mariannka :) akurat som zistila, ze cim kolaciky dlhsie odpocivaju vo vrecku, tym su maksie a tahavejsie, takze nieco na tom chewy koncepte asi bude :))

  7. Super cookies si napiekla Evicka :)skorici a zazvoru nikdy neodolam :)

  8. vdaka Lubi, ani ty? :) ano, su to velmi dobre koreninky, rada ich pouzivam do vsetkeho mozneho :))

  9. Evka tak to sú dokonalé koláčiky - keksíky :)

  10. Aji, uplne jednoduchucke ale zato dobre ;) dakujem a krasny vecer, ci uz asi aj dobru noc coskoro...:)

  11. Vánoční chutě? Já bych jedla např. perníčky celý rok :D Mě se zase většinou podaří spíč "chewy" cookies než křupavé, o které se pokouším, protože je mám radši :D Tvoje kořeněné jsou moc pěkné a vypadají, že by to mohly být ty, které hledám! Moc hezké fotky!

  12. Ahoj Catalina, dakujem za pochvalu, moc potesila! tieto cookies sa spravali tak, ze pokial som ich nechala volne dychat, stvrdli, uskladnene vo vrecku vsak pekne zmakli..viem asi aku "krupavost" mas na mysli, mne sa zatial taka tusim nepodarila dosiahnut. ja mam najradsej ked su cookies zvonka "krupave" a zvuntra trosicku tahave...:)
