February 17, 2011

Roasted carrot and beet soup with zucchini

Is there anything better and more comforting than a bowl of a really nice and rich soup? Don't think so! Especially when the thermometer is showing no less than -20...brrrh!
Thanks to my friend Matka and her sensational food experiments I gave it a shot and tried to make a soup of roasted vegetables. Ever since I've been experimenting with different vegetable variations of the soup. In Matkas recipe is the soup made of roasted carrots and red onions.

This soup helped me "survive" the last two days of detox :)
PS I used very little cream and the soup was still delicious!

Roasted carrot and beet soup with zucchini
(makes 4 portions)
500 g carrots
1 big or 2 small beets
2 cloves of garlic
olive oil
5 dl vegetable stock
1,5 dl single cream
dried rosemary and oregano
salt and black pepper
1/2 lemon
1 zucchini
squash seeds (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Peel and clean the carrots and beets.
2. In a bowl, stir together oregano, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss with vegetables until they are coated. Spread evenly on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for about 30 minutes.
3. Prepare the vegetable stock meanwhile.
4. Put the roasted carrots and beets into a blender with a little bit of the vegetable stock and two cloves of fresh garlic. Puree until smooth.
5. Mix with the rest of the stock in the pan, add the lemon juice, rosemary, cream and cook thru. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Roast the zucchini rings in the pan with a table spoon of olive oil until golden-brown.
7. Garnish the soup with the zucchini rings and some squash seeds.

Look at the color and thickness of the soup, I just must say I love it! :) 
Have a lovely day!


  1. Evinka,dakujem ,ze si tu takto krasne odprezentovala "moju " polievocku:))a som rada,ze ta inspirovala k dalsej vybornej variacii:)ja som ju tiez uz robila z pecenej cvikly,,a vlastne ju skusam z roznej zeleninky,co sa mi najde doma v chladnicke,a vzdy je uzasna..mne to velmi pripomina svieckovu omacku,a tu ja veru moozem:)))tesim,ako raz vyskusam aj tuto tvoju variaciu:)

  2. Matka vdaka tebe som sa dozvedela, ze sa z pecenej zeleninky da pripravit vyborna polievocka :) obmnienam ju tiez podla toho, co sa mi najde v chladnicke..:))

  3. No mnaaaam, urcite niekedy vyskusam, my kremove polievocky velmi moozeme ;o)

  4. Majka, vsak je tato Matkina polievocka z pecenej mrkvy skvost? velmi ju mam rada, najma s cviklou a citronovou stavou, vtedy je trosicku do kysla :))

  5. Evka vďaka za pripomenutie polievočky:) veru vyskúšam:)

  6. Andrejka, tesim sa, ze ti prisla "pripomienka" vhod :) ja mam este jednu porciu na zajtra, mnam :))

  7. Polievocka z pecenej mrkvy je uuuuzasnaaaa, odporucam kazdemu, uz len pri peceni to super vonia, mnaaam...

  8. to musela byť výborná polievočka na zahriatie Evička! Vyzerá veľmi chutne a už pri čítaní ingrediencií sa cítim zdravšie:) Ďakujem za ďalší tipík na mňamkovú polievočku!

  9. Majka, pravda pravda, ja vzdy nejaku tu pecenu zeleninku priamo z plechu pochrumem :) neda mi to! :))

  10. Evinka, polievky su pre mna dolezitejsie ako chlieb, velmi ich mam rada a najviac ma na nich bavi, ved ako vlastne na celom vareni, skoro nikdy neuvarim presne tu istu polievku dvakrat, nieco ubrat, nieco pridat a nova (vacsinou)vyborna polievka je na svete :) Evicek, na zdravie!
